We were a laid back bunch at Christmas this year. In fact so much we had dinner in our new Christmas Pajamas as you can see by the picture of my younger sister Crystal and her fab sweet potatoes. The next picture is of my niece opening her Christmas Pajamas , followed by my daughter Christmas morning looking at our stockings. Then there is my daughter and her Uncle Wally (Crystal's husband) they are such the clowns. After that you have my Christmas Broccoli Souffle an old recipe handed down through the generations. My mother finally after 33 years handed the sacred torch over to me and I must break my arm patting myself on the back on this one. I first tried it at Thanksgiving and it was pretty then, but boy I really knocked it out this time, just look at it! Finally Christmas Eve, my niece, daughter and I made luminaries to light the way for my sister and her husband, well of course Santa too. They burned with just a tea candle for quite some time. Hope you still carry fond memories of the Holidays, I know we had a fun and silly time. Hopefully we will have pictures of us all in our sailor hats soon, that is another story for another time. -Misty