Friday, January 26, 2007

Dollar short but Never Late

I know this is Friday and How to Thursdays happen on Thursdays which was yesterday, but I thought this was a very helpful tutorial. Hope it helps you with your color combinations.

Something Different

Got any old clothes or fabrics not being used? Create a rag weaving out of them, maybe a place matt or if you have enough an actual rug out of them. I think weaving is a great way to relax and clear the mind. I find after weaving I have a clear feeling and this allows me to start a fresh project with nothing blocking my vision. So get out that weird and wacky fabric you will never truly use in a piece of art or maybe that shirt you can't wear anymore but was a great pattern and weave away!

Friday, January 19, 2007

To be Young Again Challenge

Alright you crazy crafting artists, here is your Fun Friday challenge. This one will be easy if you have girly girl daughters (or sons I guess), dress up to the nines and take a picture of yourself (or have someone do it for you). This will be very therapeutic and inspirational. Good luck and if anyone is brave post your pictures for us to see! -Misty

Thursday, January 18, 2007

How to Thursdays

I'm pretty lazy today so I'm just posting another site that has a tutorial on it for Paper Beads. My daughter of age 9 loves to do these and I of age 30 still enjoy making them. It is even better now with all the fun scrapbooking paper out there. Enjoy and bead away today-Misty

Ah, the days of Summer

Well this old nasty weather can leave now. I absolutely HATE Winter, I love Spring, Fall, heck give me the hot days of Summer! You can have the ice, snow and below 0 temperatures. I was cleaning off my desktop and ran across these pictures from the beginning of the school year. Well the pictures just made me want to cry for the sun and days of capris. As previously mentioned in earlier posts my younger sister and I are Elementary Art Teachers, this year we both did a project called "Pinwheels for Peace." We had our students (all 550 each)create pinwheels and then on Sept. 21st we planted the pinwheels in the front yard of the school. I had my students do a certian color per grade level so then I could plant them like a rainbow. It was an awesome sight to see. It was also a really great way to talk about such things as installation art and collaboration art. The kids loved it and the parents enjoyed seeing them out there. Ok off to work, hey lets all do a sun dance, maybe that will bring Spring on faster! -Misty

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Just a Fun Gal

It is funny how children are alike but different. Take my neice Winter and daughter Emerald, they are both fun loving and caring children. But their style, hobbies, interests are all so different. Here is just one example, Halloween, Winter loves the blood and guts costumes where as Emerald loves the different ones. My neice Winter is the vampire and my daughter Emerald is Elvis. And yes she knows exactly who Elvis is, he is her favorite singer, her hero, her heartthrob, I blame that one on my mother.

Ladies Night Out 1-20-07

Ladies Night Out - Saturday Jan 20 6-10:00 p.m. McGilley Fieldhouse, Saint Mary's University, Leavenworth, KS There will be 90plus vendors, free food, fashion show. $5 admission fee - proceeds go to Breast Cancer Foundation. Due to the large crowds in the past, there will be a shuttle from the old Sears parking lot - Leavenworth shopping plaza. It will run every 15 minutes. We hope you can attend and stop by our booth - Misty (The Sisters 3)