Friday, November 17, 2006

Fun Friday Challenges

Tired of looking at all our artwork yet? How about some artwork done by my creative talented niece? She did these around the age of 10, she would die of embarrassment if she knew I was posting Pictures of them. They are suppose to be her and my daughter who was 7 at the time. Those were the day, now she is 13 and my daughter is 10. Time flies when they are having fun. I remember my niece use to do this stuff all the time, just take random items and start creating. Now she is into drawing fantasy characters from her books. I thought doing something like this would be great jump off for Fun Fridays. I know many blogs out there have something they do on certain days or challenges for their blog friends, so what about Fun Fridays. It will be little creative exercise, I will just do random challenges on Friday Mornings. If you want send us a picture of what you do and we will post it or however that works. Here is the first one, create a self- portrait and a portrait of someone very special to you out of 3D items, total sculpture. Well have a fun filled day-Misty

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